4 research outputs found

    Employing biomimicry in Urban metamorphosis seeking for sustainability: Case studies

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    Objective The current study has aimed to develop the framework of biomimicry involvement in urban metamorphosis for sustainability. This research has engaged four objectives to achieve the aim. Objective one is to explore the rudiment interaction between human and nature through interrogating history, nature's design. Objective two is to excavate the biomimicry in emulating nature's genius. Objective three is to investigate the association between biomimicry and sustainable development, focusing on architectural features. Objective four is to develop the framework based on the biomimicry rules for human evolution and survival in the natural environment. Methodology To achieve objective one, the grounded theory method was applied for scrutinizing human development and human awareness about their natural environment. To achieve objective two, an evidence study was conducted on the biomimicry emulation of nature's genius. To achieve objective three, a critical literature review was conducted using content analysis method to identify the biomimicry focus and architectural features. Through matrix development method, the focus and architectural features were tabulated. To achieve objective four, the waterfall framework design method and case studies were conducted to plot this framework. Conclusions This research gained a better understanding of biomimicry-based on theories of the evolution of organisms, including humans in the urban context, as measurement against sustainable benchmarks. It followed the paths of ecological researcher and urban philosophers, such as Freya Mathews and Moore, by re-versioned the human relationship with nature and the surrounding environment and observing human actions and development about life principles.In particular, the research found out that biomimicry is an approach that recently becomes the focus of many researchers of different disciplines seeking a solution for human problems. The biomimicry has been merged with sustainable architecture design through specific features; included, form and function, geometry, metaphor, movement, material, pattern, proportion, sustainability, and technology. Furthermore, biomimicry is an approach that involves nature as a model, mentor, and measure for inspiration, which converges law, principles, and strategies in the context of biomimicry-based on human evolution. Originality The findings allowed architects and urban designers to enhance people's awareness of their natural environment and provide a better perception of biomimicry in the application of human world, whether founded because of base instinct or a strategic view derived from the life's principles.The authors would like to thank the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation (MOSTI) for funding this research via the grant number PY/2015/04995.Scopu

    Driving behaviour and sustainable mobility-policies and approaches revisited

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    Climate change is receiving increasing attention in recent years. The transportation sector contributes substantially to increased fuel consumption, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and poor air quality, which imposes a serious respiratory health hazard. Road transport has made a significant contribution to this effect. Consequently, many countries have attempted to mitigate climate change using various strategies. This study analysed and compared the number of policies and other approaches necessary to achieve reduced fuel consumption and carbon emission. Frequency aggregation indicates that the mitigation policies associated with driving behaviours adopted to curtail this consumption and decrease hazardous emissions, as well as a safety enhancement. Furthermore, car-sharing/carpooling was the least investigated approach to establish its influence on mitigation of climate change. Additionally, the influence of such driving behaviours as acceleration/deceleration and the compliance to speed limits on each approach was discussed. Other driving behaviours, such as gear shifting, compliance to traffic laws, choice of route, and idling and braking style, were also discussed. Likewise, the influence of aggression, anxiety, and motivation on driving behaviour of motorists was highlighted. The research determined that driving behaviours can lead to new adaptive driving behaviours and, thus, cause a significant decrease of vehicle fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. - 2018 by the authors.Scopu

    A path walkability assessment index model for evaluating and facilitating retail walking using decision-tree-making (DTM) method

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    Transportation is the major contributor of ever-increasing CO2 and Greenhouse Gas emissions in cities. The ever-increasing hazardous emissions of transportation and energy consumption have persuaded transportation and urban planners to motivate people to nonmotorized mode of travel, especially walking. Currently, there are several urban walkability assessment models; however, coping with a limited range of walkability assessment variables make these models not fully able to promote inclusive walkable urban neighborhoods. In this regard, this study develops the path walkability assessment (PWA) index model which evaluates and analyzes path walkability in association with the pedestrian's decision-tree-making (DTM). The model converts the pedestrian's DTM qualitative data to quantifiable values. This model involves ninetytwo (92) physical and environmental walkability assessment variables clustered into three layers of DTM (Layer 1: features; Layer 2: Criteria; and Layer 3: Sub-Criteria), and scoped to shopping and retail type of walking. The PWA model as a global decision support tool can be applied in any neighborhood in the world, and this study implements it at Taman Universiti neighborhood in Skudai, Malaysia. The PWA model has established the walkability score index which determines the grading rate of walkability accomplishment for each walkability variable of the under-survey neighborhood. Using the PWA grading index enables urban designers to manage properly the financial resource allocation for inspiring walkability in the targeted neighborhood.Scopu

    Qatar Sustainability Assessment System (QSAS)-Neighborhood Development (ND) Assessment Model: Coupling green urban planning and green building design

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    The green building rating systems endeavor to achieve the extent of sustainability in building scale; however, they are lacking in assessing the urban scale. Few green building rating systems have developed the neighborhood sustainability assessment (NSA) tools to this extent. Qatar has adopted some of these tools; while the local tool is needed that fits government sustainability policies and international agendas. Hence, this research developed the QSAS (Qatar Sustainability Assessment System) Neighborhood Development (ND) assessment model. The main goal of QSAS-ND is to promote, enhance, and create a sustainable neighborhood in urban areas. To develop QSAS-ND, the researchers applied the Waterfall Process method, and accordingly, has conducted three phases; the requirement study, model design, and model validation. Phase one identified eight criteria for sustainable neighborhood assessment using Compression Matrix Development (CMD) method. Phase two designed the model and applied the Analytical Network Process (ANP) method to obtain the weights of criteria. The ANP analysis determined that compactness has received the highest limited value (LVC2 = 0.30730) among the criteria which is followed by urban connectivity (LVC1 = 0.29143). The model was implemented at Lusail city for validation. The implementation resulted that Lusail city achieved grade A (Superior), means that it has high performances in sustainable neighborhood design, but needs minor improvements regarding diversity and transportation. Indeed, using the QSAS-ND model helps architects and urban planners to assess sustainability accreditation of urban and neighborhood areas in Qatar.The authors would like to thank the Malaysia Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation ( MOSTI ) grant vote no. R.J130000.7922.4S123 .Scopu